Komilfo uses social ads and data to generate leads

Komilfo, a national specialist in the installation of blinds and closures, uses social networks to promote its expertise and generate contacts with its professionals on the territory. Content strategy, social ads, Pauline Vézie, digital marketing manager at Komilfo, tells us more about the brand’s collaboration with the agency’s teams.

OTTA provides us with expertise, advice and recommendations on the entire spectrum of social media: content, wording, investment, data and analysis.

Once the campaign is up and running, regular monitoring of KPIs allows us to adjust our campaigns in order to achieve our objectives, while keeping our investment under control.

Pauline Vézie

Digital Marketing Specialist, Komilfo

OTTA: What was your social media need before you contacted OTTA?

We were looking for effective campaigns, with a controlled CPA and a focus on performance and measurement.

What are the objectives of your social media strategy?

Through our social media strategy, we want to increase awareness and generate leads on our website.

Previously, we worked with OTTA mainly on lead generation and conversion, especially during our promotional periods. For 2022, the goal is to move a little higher in the conversion tunnel and to push more “inspirational” content.

What do you expect from the collaboration with a social media consulting agency?

The numerous exchanges with OTTA allow us to feed our thinking and refine our action plan for social media, while integrating it into our overall digital strategy.

OTTA provides us with expertise, advice and recommendations on the entire spectrum of social media: content, wording, investment, data and analysis.
Once the campaign is up and running, regular monitoring of KPIs allows us to adjust our campaigns in order to achieve our objectives, while keeping our investment under control.

Advertising on social networks and smart advertising

Why did you choose to invest in advertising on social networks? What are your objectives?

Investing in social networks is essential to be seen! This investment allows us to reach different targets (homeowners, rather CSP +, between 35 and 65 years) and to be present at different stages of the customer journey. Social ads also allow us to rejuvenate our target.
Our objective is to gain notoriety and generate new qualified prospects.

How do you judge the performance of your social ads campaigns?

A good campaign comes down to CPM control and good visibility, with a must: a good conversion rate!

post sponsorisé Komilfo

Future and trends in social media and social ads

What does social media represent today in your global strategy?

Since the beginning of 2021, social media has been a strong axis in our strategy. On Facebook and Instagram, we have defined an editorial line that is consistent with all our communication media. Also, beyond the organic posts, we want to make sponsorship in red thread, on content showing the differentiation Komilfo (the service provided, authenticity, the home sublimated).

What uses and trends do you think should be followed closely in the months and years to come in your sector?

The customer experience is already and will always be at the heart of our concerns … But I can not say more, follow us on social networks to follow the next steps!

Is it easy to collaborate with an agency specialized in social ads?

It’s easy and fun 😉
The exchanges are smooth and you are all very responsive!

Would you recommend OTTA?

Of course we would!

Komilfo and OTTA : insights

Social Ads

The numbers, over a 3-week lead generation campaign:

200,178 impressions
24,476 people reached
70 quotations generated
less than 20€ per lead

Formation Webmarketing

We see in the example campaign that we reach more than 100,000 people thanks to traffic, where we only have 25,000 on conversion, we observe a logical loss but the first campaign is essential for cost optimization. Each time we tested without a traffic campaign in support, the cost per quote generated soared.

It is therefore essential to have a traffic campaign to feed the retargeting.

Simon Masanet

Social Data Manager, OTTA

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