Recruiting students on social networks
Innovate to optimise your performance

Your future students are on social networks, drowned every day by hundreds of messages, notifications, information not to be missed, signals to be assimilated. To stand out from the crowd, you need to understand their habits and come up with original and innovative campaigns to reach them at the right time with the right message.

Deploy “smart advertising” campaigns: invest less in media, but with more qualitative content and more effective targeting. From the co-construction of your strategy for acquiring qualified profiles to its daily management, with the support of quantified reports, OTTA will help you recruit differently!

Social Ads

Recruiting by sourcing and hiring profiles differently

The Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature is recruiting on TikTok!

OTTA teams have run several campaigns with the National School of Magistrates since 2020. The latest one took place on TikTok by activating a tiktokeuse who is a law student and a specialist in legal subjects.

An innovative method to reach future student magistrates that has paid off in terms of awareness and generation of qualified traffic to the ENM website and its competitions.

The campaign targeted at preparatory classes even doubled the number of qualified applications received!

The Institut Catholique de Toulouse generates traffic and applications online

The Institut Catholique de Toulouse, a private higher education establishment, asked OTTA to send a maximum amount of traffic to their website page dedicated to the presentation of the different courses.

For 5 months, we implemented 2 complementary campaigns (conquest + retargeting) to meet their student recruitment objective:

– The metrics are impressive for very competitive costs
– The Lookalike audience for the licensing programmes generated almost 2/3 of the clicks of the campaign.
– Affinity targeting for Masters programmes performed well with almost 10,000 clicks on the link.

They trust us and optimise their investments

logo artfx
logo Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature
logo institut catholique de toulouse

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